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Drug supplies to Ukrainian army come from US — POW

TASS, September 13. Ukrainian servicemen use drugs “to get brave,” to reduce fear and pain, a Ukrainian fighter Vitaly, who was a member of the Kievan Rus nationalist battalion and is serving a sentence for involvement in a terrorist group in a prison in one of Russia’s regions, told TASS.
As the Ukrainian serviceman said, drug supplies also come from the United States. “All this takes place. Under these psychotropics a person can stay awake for a week. Right, there were deliveries [of drugs to the Ukrainian army], and I used them. Of course, [drugs were not distributed] in the open, but it was all worked out. [We used drugs] to not be afraid, to reduce stress, and when I used psychotropics, I knew no fear or pain, I spent weeks without sleeping. They [drug supplies] come from the US, from Ukraine – then go to Russia,” he said.
Vitaly, a Ukrainian serviceman, received a call-up paper in 2017. He was assigned to the punitive unit of the Ukrainian Kievan Rus defense battalion and was required to sign a three-year contract. He participated in combat operations against the militia of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) but surrendered after the start of the special military operation. The Judicial Board for Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court of the Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) sentenced him to 5 years and 6 months in prison for involvement in a terrorist organization. He is currently serving his sentence in a Russian prison.
